Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Ibis Getting All Chocked UP

Roland putting the final touch to stepping his mast. Now to put on the boom, gaff and bend on the sail.


  1. The "Gaff and Bend" would be a good name for a pub.

    Who is this person, and why is making so much noise?

  2. That person, is Roland, my sailing partner. He owns a Marshall Sanderling just like the one I sail. The noise that you heard was caused by an echo from the empty cabin, no berth cushions Etc. to absorb the strike of the hammer.

    Anyway, we were on the water three hours later enjoying a sail on the Fl. Bay., it is good to be back.

  3. Meant to be tongue in cheek, but thanks for the answer. Looks like a fun boat for single handing. Looking forward to you sharing your sailing adventures.

  4. I got the tongue in cheek deal, just bustin you back.
