Thursday, November 10, 2011

Sewer Update...All Done

I just finished several hours cleaning up after the workers left, grading the yard, raking the coral and wetting down the ground so that the dirt that was mixed with the coral is now under the pea rock. It does not look too bad but I think that a few yards of new coral pea rock is called for.

Jeff (?), you will be happy to know that I did not have to wait until next year after all.


A few days ago there was nothing but trenches here.


  1. Stress free!!!!! I hate disruption, that was annoying to the first degree.

    I am sitting outside watching and listening to about seventy of the largest and loudest go fast boats on their way from Miami to Key West. Luckily this only happens twice during the year. The rest of the time nary a boat to be seen, especially on the Fl. Bay.

  2. When I was a kid there was a cesspool pumping service which painted their trucks red - like fire engines - and on the back end of the tank they painted "It may be sewage to you, but it's bread and butter to us!"

    You had a lot of work to do to get that yard back in shape. Looks good to me.

  3. Thanks Pandabonium, a great weight has been lifted, no more Honey Pots painted like fire engines for me.

    Love those rice fields!
