Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Post Irene, Good For Some, Terrible For Others.

As Hurricanes go, Irene was not too bad, for some that is, for others it was a complete nightmare.

For example, at the Boat Yard where I have a boat and many friends that have boats, we were all apprehensive about the potential for damage beyond immediate and inexpensive repair. Our worries, after a night of South Easterlies, before the wind veered to the N then to the West, were for our little craft tied helplessly to wooden piles driven into thick mud. We had no idea whether our stout dock lines would measure up to such a storm. We expected NE winds as the Storm came up the Coast, it faked us out, we were pelted with rain and very stiff winds from the SE. SE, isn't that what causes flooding here at our Marina? You Betchum! That is exactly what happened, electricity went out early so people that were prepared with pumps were rendered impotent, they flooded and had to resort to generaters or any means of getting the water to abate.

My one friend in Lawrenceville, Baydog, thought that clean gutters would solve the problem, as you can see by his Blog he had far more to worry about. I assume that after fixing the problem  and a few Gibson's later he is in a good place.
You Go Baydog!

I have included a brief video to show you how very lucky we were with, boats in the water, electricity out, and at sea level! Enjoy!! 


  1. I just noticed this! Great clip and I love how you have the rolling credits. You'll have to teach me how.

  2. Baydog,

    No problem, easy with the correct software.
